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The image features the word BUMKINS in bold, teal letters with yellow dots above the I and at the end near the S. The background is transparent.The image features the word BUMKINS in bold, teal letters with yellow dots above the I and at the end near the S. The background is transparent.
Sensory Play - Edible Baby Sand Recipe

Sensory Play - Edible Baby Sand Recipe

This activity is a crowd favorite for sure!

This “sand” is edible (though don’t encourage them to eat it ;) .

But it’s not full of salt or sugar to where the baby would necessarily want to keep eating it. There is no blender required. It has a great texture for little fingers.

It holds shape well, similar to moon sand, so you can make mini “castles” out of measuring cups. And I bet you even have both of these ingredients in your pantry right now.

The first time I did this activity with my son he was 9 months old and today he is 20 months old. He loves this sensory play activity just as much today as he did almost a year ago!


2 Ingredient Edible Sand

4 cups flour (I used whole wheat to give it more of a “sandy” look but you can use any flour)

1/2 cup melted coconut oil

Bumkins Art Smock

Bumkins Splat Mat

Get your hands in there and mix, mix, mix it up. You want to make sure all the flour is coated in the oil; this could take a minute.

That’s literally all you have to do. Is that simple or what?!

I put our sand into these large tubs with some measuring cups and toy trucks. This is great for their fine motor skills as they learn to scoop up the sand and pour it into a bucket or truck. G played with this for almost 30 minutes straight the last couple of days.


Angela Smith is a new mom trying to navigate this crazy, fun, scary, hilarious, uncharted territory while keeping a tiny human alive and maybe enjoying a cup of coffee that hasn’t had to be reheated 10 times…maybe. Once upon a time, her blog Run Like Kale used to be all about fantastic nutritious adult recipes and her rigorous running life, back when there was time for all that. Now you'll find her blogging about incorporating your baby into your workout and lots of sensory play activities. Oh, how the times have changed. You can also find her on Instagram and Facebook too!

4 comments on Sensory Play - Edible Baby Sand Recipe
  • Bumkins

    We are so glad you like it, Wejdan!

    September 07, 2022
  • Wejdan

    Thank you it’s very very simple , lovely!

    September 05, 2022
  • Bumkins

    Hi, Anna! So glad you enjoyed it. Someone asked a similar question on Angela’s blog and she said, “We keep it in a large Tupperware with a lid when we’re not using it and it usually lasts us a couple weeks before our dogs inevitably eat it haha”. Let us know how it goes :)

    March 02, 2021
  • Anna

    Great article 👍🏻 How long can this edible sand last? Thank you

    February 10, 2021
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